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How Logos Have Changed Over The Years

logo changes

How have logos changed over the years?

Are you wondering how several brands have evolved over the years? Well, look no further. We will look at how some companies have altered their logo and why.

Furthermore, we have previously covered why it is good to change your company logo on our What is in a logo? page.

On this page, we offer several reasons why it is good to progress your logo and brand. Plus, we give a few examples of companies that have done just that. We will go into more depth on:

  • Why it’s important to change a logo?
  • Is it good for a company to undergo so many changes in a logo?
  • How does a logo help to remember a company?
  • The reasoning behind changing/updating a logo.
  • Images of brands that have changed their logo over the years.

Why is it important to change your logo?

There are many reasons why it is good to change your logo from time to time. Firstly, it will keep your company branding fresh and engaging, even if it’s simply removing the odd few details. However, there are several pros and cons to changing your logo, including: 

What are the benefits of changing your logo?

  • Create a new identity.
  • You may be the first in your sector to update your logo, helping you stand out from your competitors.
  • Target an audience.
  • Add value to your business.
  • Design a logo that reflects your business as it changes.

What are the disadvantages of changing your logo?

  • Consumers may not recognise your company logo.
  • You could lose customers.
  • The logo could give the wrong impression.
  • Rebranding could create suspicion.
  • The new logo may lose the meaning of your brand.

In conclusion, it is savvier to be diligent with your final decision on whether you go for a rebranded logo. However, ensure that it’s easy for people to remember and recognisable. Plus, keeping the exact meaning or message your company has been delivering.

Image of GAP logo
Images of Intel logos

Is it good for a company to undergo so many changes in logos?

Changing the logo can help a company in many ways:

  • Help with reaching a broader audience
  • Bring in new customers who haven’t heard of the company before
  • Bring opportunities such like sponsorships and collaborations

These few things could occur when a brand/company changes their logo because it’s like hitting the refresh button, but on the company as it’s a new look for them, whilst keeping to the same standards & quality in-which they are known for.

Making your logo more up to date and easier to remember is such a good thing to do because when the consumer goes to think of a product from cars, clothing, shoes, phones/tablets or whatever it might be, the first thought could be a company they’ve not heard of, but saw their logo and learnt what they do as well as what kind of products they make.

For example when you think about getting a phone your first thoughts are rather two brands which are Apple or Samsung as you not only see them advertised on TV as well as on other platforms, but the logos are simple and easy to remember, so you think of them instantly.

History of Apple’s logo:

The Apple logo we know of today wasn’t so simple when the company was first created all way back in 1976. Back when Apple first began their logo originally had Isaac Newton under a tree with an apple hanging from it, poised to drop, but just after a year of this being their logo they changed it into what we know & see today, a very simple/basic logo, but as soon as you see it, instantly you know what the brand is.

The only changes Apple logo has been through since 1977 was just the colour of the Apple to go with what was happening in that industry such like when colour was first brought to TV’s, but apart from this very minor changes over the years it’s been the Apple logo ever since.


History of Samsung’s logo:

Just like Apple changing their logo maybe not as major as other brands, but another company who have also changed their logo over the years is Samsung. Samsung is not just known for their phones, but they also do many other kinds of technology, but compared to Apple being around since 1976, Samsung have been around since 1938 which is around 39 years before Apple was even created.

Their logo has gone through a lot of changes up to 2005 where they have kept the logo we currently know of today.

Images of Apple's logo
Images of Samsungs logo

Why have logos changed over the years?

We have seen a lot of brands change their logos over the years, and you might be asking yourself ‘why do they change their logo so much?’ There can be loads of reasons behind why logos change, but we will focus on the possible key reasons they do this.

There are many examples of this happening, but some brands have kept to the original logo and still are highly relevant and known to everyone. For example, Coca-Cola they have been around as early as 1886 and just from looking at their logo from then to now, you can see that only a few changes have happened from the font, colours and background, but it is still highly known especially around the festive times.

Depending how long a brand has been around for, you will notice they change their logo a lot & the main reason for them changing their logo so much is because they want to stay relevant and still stand out from the rest, if they kept the same logo they had from the beginning, that brand would become less relevant as well as consumers might see a logo which is standing out more than theirs, so it draws them in to go to them.

Another example of a brand changing their logo is Harley Davidson, which is an American Motorcycle manufacturer, founded in 1903. Has also changed their logo and just like with Coca-Cola they have only had minor changes to it which ranges from the shape of the logo, font size and colour.

Harley Davidson is/if not one of the most well known motorcycle companies around, if you was talking about motorbikes you’d defiantly hear or know about this company because they are that well known, relevant as well as a rememberable brand.

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